Monday, February 1, 2010

How To Wash Dress Shirts In Laundry How To Separate Laundry?

How to separate Laundry? - how to wash dress shirts in laundry

I know they should be kept separate laundry by color: white color and the color of the category, we have the bright and dark colors.
but I'm very confused, because I understand that not overlook the issue of the clothes in the laundry.

My question is: What will become of separate colored clothing? or materials?

and what exactly are "delicate" and how to distinguish it from other types of clothes?

What about things like dress shirts and pants? I wash my other clothes (based on color, of course), or what?

last question, of course, is a pair of jeans she can mix with other kinds of clothes in the washing machine? or no role as long as I dry.


Anonymous said...

Read the labels on the clothes. Groups depending on the direction and color. You can use 2 loads must be washed in the same way, but 1 light, the other is black.

Here's how it separates us.
1 white socks, underwear, T-shirts ...
2 Jeans, denim, heavy, dark fabrics
3 Light Permanent Press: bright clothes that are not drained too tight or put in a hot dryer
4 Touch Up Dark: dark clothing should not be pressed too closely or in a hot dryer
5 Towels
6 sheets, towels
Delicate 7 - Anything that can be easily removed from the form or you can lose a game, decoration. Delicate fabrics.

If you have any doubts wash cold / heat.
Never bleach for washing laundry in the machine, empty or filled, wait until he starts to tremble.
Dry in the lowest position possible, but actually dry.

hack_ace said...

Make it easy for you. Wash luminaires with lamps. You can throw in the white with very light beige, blue jeans and black pants, etc., T-shirts, black, etc., belong together. Normally, all clothing is washed in hot water.

If you do not wash delicates GF or wife (the sensitive, that I am a man), then he washed his little light skirts, dresses, underwear and can be susceptible.

Hannahlo... said...

are basically the main points
a) a mixture of whites and shadows .. Wil colors run and ruin your clothes
b) Put your jeans with their shadows and colors can not be executed (make sure that there are jeans), a dark blue or black ect
c) Check the settings according to their clothes, whether there is an element to change the configuration to the Silk, etc.

This can be very simple and once you come to the worst ever

Hope this helps

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