Friday, January 1, 2010

National Halal Meat What Do Americans Think Of The BNP?

What do Americans think of the BNP? - national halal meat

The BNP (British National Party) is a political party:

* Do only white people in the
* Did you remove all non-indigenous Britons outside the UK
* You want to ban halal and kosher practices
* He wants to ban homosexuality
* The denial of the Holocaust


B.Kevork... said...

"Do not you want to remove all the native Britons outside the United Kingdom"

"Aboriginal" is a funny word for your wallet. How far would you go? The Normans were not native to the invasion in 1066 The Saxons were not colonized natives either. Move the various Celtic peoples not just in the British Isles, both have pushed the Picts in Scotland. So what is, only in Britain by the Picts? The Picts have disappeared.

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